Libresse Unembarrassed

Don't be embarrassed!

Network BBDO approached me to make a series of television commercials for Libresse, purveyors of feminine hygiene products. They had the ingenious idea of creating these ludicrous extended euphemisms to deal with the taboo and highly sensitive subject of menstruation.  They'd already done a lot of work setting up Vagina Varsity, an online portal for health and hygiene information - for a market with a dearth of such information, all we needed to do was drive people there with wacky 'internet-style' commercials.

I'm from the internet, I thought. I work in this so-called 'internet style'. I love euphemistic talk, and taboo-smashing. It was a match made in heaven!

The results won a big advertising award, The Loerie, which made my grandmother very proud of me.




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